Title: 4th Asian Apostolic Congress On Mercy
Event: AACOM 2018 Penang, Malaysia
Date: September 26th – 28th, 2018
Registration: Closed
Location: SPICE Convention Centre Penang
Theme: “Experiencing Mercy Through The Joy Of The Gospel In Asia”

The 4th Asian Apostolic Congress on Mercy (AACOM4) will take place in the ‎Malaysian state of Penang , on the 26th to 28th, September, 2018. The theme of the much-awaited event is “Experiencing Mercy Through The Joy of The Gospel in Asia”.  AACOM which is held once every three years, is an Asian gathering of Divine Mercy ‎devotees ‎and ‎promoters, among whom are cardinals, bishops, priests, religious and the laity. Each day participants will listen to invited speakers on topics reflecting the theme of the Congress.

Enrichment through the first-hand testimonials and sharing from Asian representative countries on the DM movement in their countries, will add depth to the experience. Participants will also get to enjoy interactive and “experiential” elements to make the Congress even more fulfilling.

Ultimately the objective of AACOM is to strengthen and promote the devotion to the Divine Mercy while giving deeper insights into the practice and inculturation of DM devotion among the Asian nations