Confirmation 2018 at CDM

It was the culmination of all the years of catechism, serving in a church ministry as a prerequisite, attending an interview with Fr Martin Arlando, the parish priest and attending a confirmation camp by Martin Jalleh. The 16 young parishioners of the Church of Divine Mercy (CDM) Penang knelt before

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CDM Confirmation Camp “Empower Me”

From the 25th – 27th May, 18 confirmation candidates of the Church of the Divine Mercy (CDM) Penang attended their Confirmation camp. The theme for this year was ‘Empower Me’. Conducted by Mr Martin Jalleh along with the watchful presence of their devoted catechism teachers, Audrey Cheah and Joyce Lim,

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CEC Primary School Camp at CDM

It was another round of excitement for the children in the CEC Primary School Camp of Church of Divine Mercy, Penang. It was decided that the CEC Primary School Camp would be held on a Sunday and the participation was beyond expectations. A total of 92 children registered with parents

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