What does AACOM stand for?
Asian Apostolic Congress On Mercy

How did it come about?
Offshoot of WACOM- World Apostolic Congress On Mercy- introduced by Vatican and first held in April, 2008 in Rome; with the theme “Be witnesses of Mercy’. Thereafter Continental Congresses were held around the world.

What is AACOM?
A 3-day event gathering speakers from around the world- to strengthen and promote devotion to Divine Mercy all over Asia.
Participants include both religious and laity. Includes testimonials and sharing from Asian representative countries on the DM movement in their countries and ongoing evangelization efforts.

Where were past AACOM events held?
First in Manila, Philippines in 2009
Second in Bangkok Thailand in 2012
Third in Medan Indonesia in 2015

What were some of the past themes?
AACOM 2015- Jesus Christ- “The Mercy of God: The way to reconciliation in Asia.”
WACOM 2017- In Philippines- “Communion in Mercy- Mission for Mercy.”

How many participants do we anticipate?
Anticipated numbers run from 1,500 to 2,000 or more religious and laity. In the last AACOM in Medan, there were around 1,800 participants, with the largest numbers coming from the Philippines.

What does the programme include?
Typically, the programme includes: country presentations, testimonies on the transformational power of Divine Mercy, daily Masses, Praise and Worship and Divine Mercy Chaplet devotion at 3pm. In the past, speakers from around the world addressed topics such as “Compassion, A Way of Dialogue for Asian Culture”; “Mercy and Compassion in Asian Spirituality”; “Education for Compassion”; “Compassion in Pastoral Work”; and “Mary’s Compassionate Heart as a Mother.”

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